Watch Out For The Problem – Cell Phones Can Be Addictive

Watch Out For The Problem - Cell Phones Can Be Addictive

It is an undeniable fact that cellphones have changed our world drastically since its invention and cell phones can be addictive. It provided us with connectivity at unprecedented levels that couldn’t even be dreamt about. But every new invention comes with its own set of flaws. In the case of mobile phones, it was a severe case of addiction. Since mobile phones became a part of our daily lives, they started replacing constructed activities that a person might do in their free time. After the invention of smartphones that provided internet connectivity, experts started realizing that phones can be addictive. Nowadays, people carry smartphones with them wherever they go and can usually be found tapping away on their screens.

Watch Out For The Problem - Cell Phones Can Be Addictive
Watch Out For The Problem – Cell Phones Can Be Addictive

Disadvantages Of Smartphones – Phones Can Be Addictive

Since the invention of smartphones, it has grasped the attention of the masses. A recent study shows that an average person spends almost 5 hours every day staring at their smartphones. It has lead to a drastic decrease in social interaction among people, especially children.

Smartphones have also become a massive distraction from our daily work. They tend to distract us from the critical day to day tasks that people have to do. The barrage of notifications that keeps coming on phones tends to break our momentum of work and hence affects productivity.

Smartphones also come with health hazards. The blue light that smartphone screens emit tends to hurt our eyes and hence can affect your vision drastically if stared at continuously. 

Watch Out For The Problem - Cell Phones Can Be Addictive
Watch Out For The Problem – Cell Phones Can Be Addictive

How To Beat Smartphone Addiction?

  • It is best to keep your phone aside when you go to bed. Studies show that smartphone use before sleeping tends to alter our sleeping patterns.
  • While having meals, make sure that you sit with the whole family and keep your phone aside for the duration of the meal.
  • Turn off notifications of messaging apps so that you won’t get distracted easily.
  • Delete apps that eat up your time and are not productive at all.
  • Install apps that help you monitor your phone usage and keeps you updated about the time you spent on different apps daily.

2-in-1 Headphone Audio/Charger Splitter Cable For Apple iPhones

Watch Out For The Problem - Cell Phones Can Be Addictive
Watch Out For The Problem – Cell Phones Can Be Addictive

iPhones are considered one of the most advanced and sophisticated smartphones in the world. But they come with one small flaw that the port for headphones and charging are the same. It creates an issue for the users who want to use their earphones while their mobiles are charging. To solve this problem, the 2 in 1 splitter cable allows iPhone users to connect both the power cable and the earphone wires to the mobile. The splitter comes with two dedicated ports each for charging and earphones that allow you to do both the tasks simultaneously. The product is made using aluminum to make it tougher and lightweight at the same time.


It is a well-known fact that phones can be addictive. But to tackle this issue, one has to reduce the time spent on phones and other similar gadgets and utilize that time to do something productive. Although smartphones have helped us in multiple ways, its exploitation has led them to become nothing less than an addictive drug for our society.

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