Top Smartphone Addiction Treatments

Top Smartphone Addiction Treatments

Are you or someone you know addicted to their smartphone? The internet is full of programs that promise to stop addiction to smartphones. Below I will present some smartphone addiction treatments to get you off your phone.

Facebook: Smartphone Addiction Treatments

It’s a fact the best tools to get in touch with people who live far away are “social networking” websites. You can also read up on new and exciting stories, share pictures, even make special events, and post status updates. It’s a great way to socialize and get back into touch with old friends.

Top Smartphone Addiction Treatments
Top Smartphone Addiction Treatments

Google Now: Smartphone Addiction Treatments

With Google Now, you get a detailed forecast of your destination, so you don’t have to fumble about with a map and directions when you get to your destination. It’s like having a personal assistant on your Android phone. It’s convenient when you’re taking a walk and need to know where to go next.

Online Groups: Smartphone Addiction Treatments

You can join groups that discuss your interest, read about your passions, and share tips and advice. Imagine how much you could gain from joining a group in your area about how to stop an iPhone addiction.

Text Message Interruptions

If you can’t do without texting, try using Voice Activated Messaging to talk to a friend while your cell phone is ringing. This will put you in a state of heightened alertness.

Music Apps: Smartphone Addiction Treatments

With music apps like Pandora, you can now listen to different types of music all day long. This is great for getting into the zone and for lazy mornings. However, the downside is that you may be tempted to listen to the latest Spotify playlist instead of working on something constructive.

Video Game Play

Many smartphone games have been designed to make the player focus on tasks at hand, rather than wasting time on mindless activities like playing games. This is a positive change, but it may also lead to smartphone addiction.

Social Networks

Great use of the internet is connecting with people from all over the world through social networks. Whether you want to keep in touch with old friends or have fun online, Facebook and Twitter are the right places to start.

Text Messaging

One of the most common smartphone addictions is sending messages to friends and family without talking to them. Avoiding temptation is essential, as it can lead to poor judgment and over-involved relationships.

Top Smartphone Addiction Treatments
Top Smartphone Addiction Treatments

Game Playing

While there are many benefits to playing games online, such as communicating with others, you may find yourself becoming hooked on playing a single game. For example, Tetris and the likes.


It’s tempting to watch a movie for free on your smartphone. However, watching a movie is not the same as watching a movie theater.


These are some of the best tools to get rid of smartphone addiction. However, if you are still addicted to your smartphone, then perhaps a phone detox program would be more suitable. This involves no pills, supplements, or other gimmicks, and can allow you to regain your social and business relationships.

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