Phone Upgrade: How To Do One Without Getting A New Phone

Phone Upgrade: How To Do One Without Getting A New Phone

We all know that the word ‘smart’ in a smartphone is there for a reason. Your phone upgrade on a regular basis with new software updates is really what makes it smart. We rely on these things so much for so many different things and can’t imagine our lives without them. As perfect as they may seem and make our lives easier, a phone upgrade costs money and sometimes requires you to buy an all-new phone. In this blog, we talk about a few tips and tricks that you can use to upgrade your phone without having to buy a new one. Read on to find out more.

Phone Upgrade For Better Pictures

In the era of Instagram, we all love taking stunning pictures. Instead of restricting yourself to the limited options that photo apps provide, you can create your own filters by sticking a piece of clear tape on the camera and coloring it with your own design. This will not only make your pictures unique but also make you an instant hit among your followers, being creative and original. Try this out and see what you can come up with.

Phone Upgrade: How To Do One Without Getting A New Phone
Phone Upgrade: How To Do One Without Getting A New Phone

Making A Tripod For Filming

Every once a while, we all need to snap a group picture or make a video of ourselves without anyone’s help. Using shaky hands and asking for help from someone else to hold the camera is not always a great idea. You need to be self-dependent and work. Wrap your phone against something like a plastic bottle with the help of a rubber band tying them around nicely and tight. There you have your own tripod to use. You now do not have to invest in an expensive tripod as well.

VR Goggles For Your Phone

Virtual reality is catching up pretty fast. More and more content is now VR enabled and games that are popular and fun to play come with a VR option. Yet investing in an expensive pair of glasses for your games also means that the phone has to be compatible with the new equipment. But find a template for VR glasses online. You can then cut it out on cardboard and glue the pieces as instructed. With a convex lens and neat harness around your phone, you now have your very own homemade VR glasses. All this without a trip to the electronic store.

Phone Upgrade: How To Do One Without Getting A New Phone
Phone Upgrade: How To Do One Without Getting A New Phone

Phone Upgrade For Playing Video Games

Ever wanted a joystick to play video games on your phone? I bet the ones you will find in the electronic store are expensive and sometimes not compatible with your phone. Here is a simple trick to get one without spending any money. Put together two glueballs and tape them around them with the phone, and secure it with a paper circle limiter. There! You have your own joystick now. You did not have to spend any money on this.

Upgrading your phone does not require us to junk the old one and get a new one. With some creativity and searching for similar solutions on the internet, it can save us a lot of money and boost our creativity. So what are you waiting for? Go ahead and upgrade your phone.

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